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COVID-19 patients in Moscow hospital see festive cheer in unlikely place



 In Mscow's COVID-19 hospital wards, medics and helpers are covered in masks, medical glasses and protective suits. So, it's some-times hard to convey festive cheer to recovering patients.

モスクワのCOVID-19病棟で、医者とヘルパーは防護服に身を包んでいる。だからfestive cheer(祝祭の雰囲気)を回復を待つ患者へ届けるのは容易ではない。


But one hospital volunteer has found a way. Leonid Krasner draws colorful pictures on the back of his overalls. They help patients recognize him and brig a smile to their faces.

ひとりのボランティアがある方法を思いついた。Leonid Krasnerは自分のオーバーオールの背中にカラフルな絵を描いた。それは彼を認識しやすくし、笑顔にした。


Krasner, 59, has been volunteering at a hospital since the first wave.  He decorates his single-use suits every time he is in the hospital. 


"This is to boost your mood and your immune system, " he told an old lady with an oxygen mask. She seemed charmed by the Christmas tree on his back.


Patients in her ward have been discharged from an intensive unit, but are still weak. Volunteers like Krasner help them do simple things like combing their hair and brushing their teeth.

彼女の棟の患者たちは集中治療室intensive unitからは退院している、しかしまだ弱っている。Krasnerのようなボランティアは、髪をとかしたり、葉をみがいたりといった簡単なことを手助けしている。