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HK activist Agnes Chow released from prison



日本では周庭(しゅう てい)氏と報道されるけど、英語圏ではAgnes Chowというのがややこしいですね。


Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow was released from prison June 12 after serving more than six months for her part in unauthorized assemblies during anti-government protests in 2019 that led to a crackdown on dissent in the former British colony.


for her part in unauthorized assemblies: 無許可の集会に参加したとして、

led to a crackdown on dissent: 反対意見(反政府体制)の取り締まりにつながった



Chow, 24, left the Tai Lam Center for Women without speaking to reporters. Few supporters were on the scene, an apparent reflection of the government's threats to arrest those it deems in violation of a sweeping national security law imposed by Beijing a year ago.


 an apparent reflection of the government's threats to arrest those it deems in violation of a sweeping national security law: a sweeping national security lawに違反したとみなす者を逮捕するという政府の明らかな脅し(意訳)。deemsは~と見なす、の意。

